Take three young boys in London looking for – and finding – trouble, and a young woman found murdered in a London cemetery. Add an inexperienced detective superintendent who carries vodka pick-me-ups in her purse and makes rash, ill-advised decisions; a detective inspector who still mourns his wife’s untimely death; and assorted detectives with axes to grind or personal problems to sort out. Throw in a country park ranger with a missing sister, a questionable police superintendent, and a roof thatcher with a missing lover. Mix with an overbearing landlady, a female psychic, and a psycho musician, and you have Elizabeth George’s This Body of Death.
An excellent book but not without problems. The plot is good and characters are well defined, but there are so many of them as to cause confusion. The book could be used as a geography book for England and as a road map for London; deletion of this copious material would have resulted in a much tighter – and shorter – story. The first hundred pages are difficult to stay with, but after that you won’t want to put the book down; and everything gets neatly tied up in the end. A highly recommended read.
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